Strange I can only reply to some posts but not others.
You should add some tools, IMHO your more likely to be stranded due to a flat tire or other mechanical problem than need a lot of the survival gear.
I also broke my gear down into separate smaller boxes/bags so the loss/theft of one won't loose everything. Mine is organized as follows:
- Under the passenger seat is a first aid kit, usual basics there, bandages, pills, etc
- Under drivers seat is a BOB of sorts, Leatherman wave, flashlight radio, spare batteries, some more first aid stuff
- Glove box, flashlight, spare batteries, maps
- under rear seat: tie down straps for loads, jumper cables, pipe to extend lug wrench, wrench roll with 10mm through 24mm wrenches, small tool bag with sockets, screwdrivers, pliers, etc, tow chain, gloves,
- Under rear seat: spares box with fuses, bulbs, etc, 12v compressor and tarp.
Notice there is some redundancy between the bags, tools are spread between two, first aid between two, flashlights and batteries are in two different places, etc.