Tomorrow (Saturday) my older son will do his Eagle project in Boy Scouts. We already have 109 hours of work (of which, a little over half was all his own work) into the project, and that is just the planning and preparation. Tomorrow we will do the substantive work. He will lead us in a project planting trees in a nearby national forest with the USFS. In addition to the scouts and scouters from our own rather small troop, we will also have volunteers from the community doing the labor.

For the most part the preparatory stage has gone well. The only major complication were 3 school projects assigned in these last 3 weeks of school to accompany the 2 ongoing school projects he already had. That unexpectedly and seriously compromised his time to gather community support for the project. I am so looking forward to completing the actual work and putting the deadline behind us.

Time to get a few hours sleep. I'll let you all know in a few days how it went.
