First - Thanks for the great web site and forum format! I recently found you all (looking for something else, of course) and have been very glad to find (a) info I didn't already have, and (b) a group with whom to discuss things.<br><br>Having gone thru all of Doug's various suggested PSK variants and the reviews of commercially available kits, it struck me that I knew how to use some of the kits' contents, but others left me puzzled. It also appeared that some kits included duplicate means to accomplish the same goals. So my question is this: Has anyone published a simple matrix that indicates the purpose of the contents of these kits. I'm not looking for a survival manual, just a quick comparison of the ways to accomplish a given goal. It seems to me that such a comparison would serve the entire forum family, by showing all of the alternatives a person might want to consider when putting together a kit, in the light of the specific intended purpose and environment.<br><br>ALAN