I just gotta be King here for odd ball stuff.... I go out and return too! But I take things from 3 different centuries LOL.<br><br>I look on with suspicion at folks that have all BRAND NEW stuff... By Stuff I mean everything I can see..... If it is all brand new I avoid them......I like to see well used clothing, and equipment... A brand new canoe for example with well used paddles is fine..... I think it likely the canoe was replaced, but when I see a brand new canoe, paddles, life jackets, and clothing I look out for fools....<br><br>To be contray I carry a MSR stove, but I also carry a flint and steel with a real flint chip, and a real file steel steel in a tin with tinder and charr.... I use a bic lighter in orange so i hopefully won't loose it.... I don't generaly carry stone tools like a few stone knives stay home mostly, but I can make them if I need to....say I loose the blade of the day while out....<br><br>I have been known to bark up the right tree and create a fishing line from scratch, even when I carry a line of modern materials... that happens when I am fishing and get bored sitting around and the season is right.... I live where the fishing is pretty good, and if I am really hungery I make a weir, as catching 1 fish at a time won't feed me fast enuff. I toss out anything that don't look like trout........ Once while out camping I needed a bit of glue, and made fish glue right there in a few hours..... later at home I needed it again glue that is... and I thought to try it again.... I added a drop of oil to a pryrex dish and gently warmed my home made glue, and worked it in to a few arrows I had made (sinew wraped)..... I forgot about the dish for a few hours, and was very surprised to find the the glue shrunk in the corner of the dish and pulled up a layer of glass!!!! At that point I was banned from the kitchen tools for a rather long time, and was reminded the hair dry was totally off limits too! Mac