
If you have all the mentioned gear and no filtration devices, chemical purifiers, heavy duty aluminum foil, or container to boil water in, you deserve to dehydrate or drink questionable water and all the ills that befall you.

Digging a hole in the ground and using heated rocks is out as the ground would probably soak up the water before you could process it.

Chipping out a rock to use as a basin would probably be too time consuming and you would need a lot of fire if you were to use the rock as a cooking utensil.

Weave a basket?, come-on now, if you were too stupid for container carry, you probably don't know how to weave a watertight container.

Your only saving grace might be clothes to put the water in and hope to achieve a 5 minute boil before the clothes burn up.

Otherwise do like snipers tell their targets, "Don't bother to run, you'll only die tired". Scratch your vital information on a nearby tree, and lie down at its base and wait for darwinism to take its rightful due.
