You're right, it's the love of money that is the root of all evil. And it's the love of money that seems to be the focus of so many lawyers. Unfortunately for your profession, it is those "bad apples" who have cast a dim light on the rest. There are many of us "non-lawyers" who have been biased with negativity and distrust of both lawyers and our legal system by the rediculous antics we see happening all around us. Get rid of the liars, crooks, swindlers and other miscreants who are bringing the profession down, and you'll probably see a reduction in the bashing from those of us on the outside, looking in.

On the positive side, I know a few lawyers who have gained my trust and respect. I'm sure that most would. And, you've got to admit, some of the jokes ARE funny - please tell me that you think some of the jokes are funny.

Please accept my apology if I offended you with previous comments. It's just that lawyers, in general, make such juicy targets.

As for keeping this thread on track, I agree. My digression ends here.
