<<harborfreight.com! !!! That's a dangerous website! >><br><br>Even more so when they have a local store like here...<br><br>I like your ideas re the patrol meetings and the troop meetings.<br><br>We sanded off paint where the epoxy joint was expected to be. Two of my boys think theirs look "right" au natural (sanded all the paint off).<br><br>I have an idea or two for improving the durability of these (the exposed edge of the outer can is fragile) - see what your experiences are and let us know.<br><br>An outdoors demonstration of why NOT to use paint thinner (mineral spirits) instead of alcohol is not a bad idea. (HOT! HOT! BIG FLAMES! SOOT!) I dunno if I'd try it with gasoline or Zippo lighter fluid... they might think it's funny enough to do on purpose. OTOH, remote detonation, er, ignition via a model rocket launch system to sober them up about NOT EVER using gasoline might not be a bad idea... you have to outguess your own boys; I'm keeping ahead of ours SO FAR.<br><br>Watch out for poorly punched holes in the inner can - they can easily slit the outer can when assembled if there are any burrs protruding. It is worth demonstrating this... A good punch makes this a more satisfying project...