harborfreight.com! !!! That's a dangerous website! Thanks.<br><br>I think I'll begin with my son's patrol. One thing we have not done well is to promote patrol activities. My son's patrol met several times to make a flag when they cnaged names, but they never plan any activities outside of the troop. My son and his Asst. have been alking about getting them together on a weekend for a cooking meeting. His asst. has a recipe for baking chicken under a popcorn tub (ala turkey under a small garbage can). I think I'll print off copies of the instructions for them and suggest that I could help them construct them while the chicken bakes! Then I can have them teach the others how to do it when suddenly everyone wants one. I like making evil plans .<br><br>Speaking of evil, your weekend plans sound perfect. I have recently been think about how to encorporrate such surprises into the program. This weekend I was restocking my first aid kit that I keep in my pack (I kep my meds in there and recycle fresh ones in every 6 months). As I unpacked my Microshield CPR barrier, it occured to me that it really was of no use in the kit. If someone were to drop to the ground and stop breathing, I doubt I'd say, Wait a moment." and run bak to my tnt for the shield.<br><br>So now I've attached it to my Palm Pilot zipper keyring (as in Urban Survival kit), which is detachable so I can attach it to duplicate ings on various pieces o equipment (Pocketz on my belt or the lanyard end to my PSK).<br><br>So tonight's meeting during the openning announcements, I'm going to conduct a Pop Preparedness Quiz. First I'll ask how many know how to recesiate someone who has stopped breathing. Then I'll ask those who's hands are raised if they are prepared right now to perform mouth-to-mouth resecitation. I'm sure a few hands will drop. Lastly, I'll ask how many have mouth barrier with them. I'm sure they'll all drop.<br><br>Perghaps I an ad a quiz once a month. Such as bring a tray with tinder and kindling and see how many are "prepared" to light a fire without a lighter? without a match?<br><br>Back to the stove. I idn't sand of the paint from my cans. Is there a reason other than asthetics?
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL