Interesting article. I find that most places I hike in Arizona, the cell phone doesn't work. I seldom carry it along because of that reason. If I take it at all, it is for a howdy call to the little woman at home. I have been looking at the Yeasu VX-7R ham radio, although I have yet to need a rescue and my limits are self imposed by experience and good sense, I like to think! Seems most folks that get in trouble are of limited experience and ill equipped to handle emergencies.
That brings to mind a hike I went on last fall, it was a group outing with a well known outdoor club, there were people that showed up with nothing more than shorts, a long sleeve shirt and a quart of water. The hike was about 70 miles from civilization, it was cloudy and raining lightly on and off and the temp was in the low 50's. A harder rain could have fallen at any time, it could have gotten more windy and some of these folks would have been depending on those that were properly equipped to get them through! If I had been the trip leader I think I would have sent some of the people back to the car and told them to never show up on a hike with minimal gear! I have done this when it was my call and may have seemed a hardbutt, but the wilderness should not be taken lightly! You can skate by time and time again, but sooner or later you will pay the price if you take hikes without proper gear in you pack! I used to do Mtn. Rescue and I can't tell you how many folks got in trouble because they didn't realize the dangers involved. I can also say that even with a phone or a radio, it can be quiet a long time before someone comes to bail you out.
No, I am not Bear Grylls, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and Bear was there too!