Yup jewel weed lives here, all ya gotta do is find posion ivy, and youy outta be able to find jewel weed. Kinda funny that way..... Don't forget the cat tails make great eatting when the tops are about 1" long. They tast like asparagus, as do fiddleheads which grow in or very near water. Avoid bracken, and ostrich ferns.<br><br>it only grows here at "Burger King" but yucca can be soap, rope, and salve too... BTW I don't eat at Burger King!<br><br>Also here there is about 8" of snow just now topped with ice, so not to many plants living out there just now. Feb is a big month for snow here, but I can't tell for sure. We seem to be in a draught since the 5+ feet melted off last spring.... Mac