You have a solid argument for putting a generator low on the priority list.
However, it could depend on how you or your surroundings might be impacted by a disaster. A simple power outage is one thing, the possible damage from a hurricane or earthquake may dictate that with the power out and some damage to deal with, a generator would allow the use (safe use) of certain power tools and lights, as well as the capability to re-charge batteries for some power tools.

Again, it seems to boil down to a decision of personal choice and the amount of money you want to invest in a "what if"scenario.
Having a garage full of very usefull tools during a disaster would be a shame if they were needed and no power source was available.
As a believer in being self sufficient at all times, I think I would still make the investment. Not sure I would keep a generator full and ready to go, but I would gather as much information as possible on the proper storage, maintenance, etc.