Within this post I would like to make reference to a few products IMHO are superior. If you disagree would you please send me a link to a better product?

Wow!! This is a huge project for me. Mom knows that I am equipped but won’t put any effort into it herself. She lives in Seattle. Prone to Volcanoes, earthquakes and who knows what else.

I made her promise me that if I put together the “perfect BOB” she will keep it in her trunk so that if she is at work it is available and if she is at home it is available. My mother is 5 3” 115# and hates the idea of sleeping anywhere other than in her bed or a 4 star hotel. She really doesn’t get how to use most “survival” things. I need a BOB that is….if you will….Marine proof. (Instruction that is so specific that it would be impossible to screw up.)

1) I am thinking of a medium/large size backpack with options: http://www.backpacker.com/gear/article/0,1023,1976,00.html

Or: http://www.mysteryranch.com/gpacks/g7000.php

2) Water filter in addition to iodine tab’s and a 72 hour supply of emergency water: http://www.quakekare.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=24 http://www.katadyn.net/katadyn_exstream.html (I don’t think mom could screw this up)

3)Food 144 hours worth: http://www.quakekare.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=22 Plus simple trapping devices: http://www.bestglide.com/Military_Speedhook_Info.html

4) Vacuum Packed Survival Sleeping Bag: http://www.wiggys.com/category.cfm?Category=6 and a bivy: http://www.rei.com/online/store/ProductD...vcat=REI_SEARCH

5) Rain gear. It is Seattle: Marmot oracle jacket and pants: http://marmot.com/

Wow I am already at about the $3,000 to $4,000 range as well as the 25 to 35 pound range. I hope you get the idea. This is just overwhelming me and I hope you get the point that I only want the best for my mother. She went through the first Mt. St. Helens eruption as well as the earthquake a couple of years ago in Seattle. They are expecting St. Helens and or Rainier to erupt again soon. Please let me know if I can improve on my gear picks that I posted and what else should I include?

Again what else should I include. Please keep in mind. Mom is 5 3” 115# and hates this “survival thing” She will only keep this “BOB” with her because I made her promise. She knows it is the prudent thing to do but she just needs to be able to blame me for her lugging all of this stuff around so she doesn’t lose face with her friends. (funny how the roles reverse as we get older)

I thought I could handle this project but it has gotten a lot bigger than I ever expected.



Cameron2trade at yahoo dot com
Publishing seattlebackpackersmagazine.com