Well I got tired of having watches go south on me after the batteries started to go or never running right after the battery was changed. So I went back to the automatic.

Now I know there will be watch snobs out there who will turn their noses up and think I have taken a step backward but this watch just runs and runs. I keep it adjusted and on time by syncing it with the atomic clock in Fort Collins Colorado every couple of weeks.

My buddy’s automatic watch is about 20 years old and is still ticking away even after “forgetting” to take it off to run a jackhammer for several days.

My watch is not as accurate as the newest quartz watch out there but it will be with me for many years. I will not have to worry about it unless I’m in a lot deeper water than I ever hope to be in.

As for a compass I have several in my different kits and bags as well as a couple to wear around my neck. For day-to-day stuff this is good enough for me. I have had several on my watchband but they have never lasted very long. They tend to break or get lost in creative ways.
When the wolf attacks he will find that some who run with the flock are not sheep!