Hello all,<br><br>I had an idea today (choose your own smart alec reply). I'm sure someone has had it before, but it occured to me today that I have never been anywhere in the recent past without seeing a discarded aluminum soda/beer/generic beverage can. Last year I went camping, canoeing, fishing, hunting and just walking so many times I have lost count. On each occasion, even when trying to find a spot where few ever go, I have found cans. Years ago, while at the Nouthern Training Area in Okinawa (memories, misty water colored.....), deep in the jungle, I found cans. Rock hopping in Southern Utah, in places where you'd think haven't seen a person since the Anasazi, I found cans. Deep in the Olympic rain forest, looking for mushrooms and Sasquatch, I found cans (but no Sasquatch and very few mushrooms.) They are the scourge of the earth.<br><br>But...they're dandy water containers. Almost like they were made to hold liquid. And you can boil water in them.<br><br>I feel stupid for not having thought of this sooner, and I'm sure this has occured to everyone else already, but just in case, I thought I'd mention it.<br><br>Andy