<blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr><p>What I would like to know is if any of you carry a seperate Urban Survival Tin instead of the good ol' PSK like doug's. And what do you carry in it ?<p><hr></blockquote><p>Trusbx,<br><br>My PSK is definitely for the outdoors -- not for urban environments -- and I only grab it when I'm going hiking w/ my girlfriend or otherwise expect to be separated from my other normal daily resources. My current EDC (every day carry) is quite a bit of stuff -- too much, actually, to fit inside of a single small PSK or tin -- so I don't carry an "Urban Tin" per se. Instead, I wear & carry my gear distributed about my person. It's pretty stable, but has continued to sllowwly change over time.<br><br>I currently always have on me:<br>wristwatch on a Velcro strap watchband<br>belt of woven leather or elastic cord<br>cel phone<br>Acme Tornado whistle (on keyring)<br>white Micro-Light II (on keyring)<br>cash, checkbook, credit/debit card & coins<br>health insurance card (in wallet)<br>roadside assistance card (in wallet)<br>laminated list of personal info, contact #s & med. conditions (in wallet, in front of my DL)<br>condom in a travel size Extra Strength (bigger) Excedrin tin to protect it (wallets damage them)<br>plastic comb<br>Fisher "Bullet Pen"<br>small Rite-In-The-Rain booklet<br>Leatherman "Micra" (recently began substituting a generic mini-multitool my brother gave me to see how it holds up)<br>plain edged utility pocketknife (changes dramatically depending on daily mood & travel/activity plans)<br>mini-tube of lip balm<br>mini Bic disposable steel & flint butane lighter<br>1 yellow & 1 orange 1"x36" ribbons for flagging down emergency services when needed<br>two large safety pins<br>one-way valve CPR mask w/ 1pr nitrile surgical gloves<br>small first aid tin w/ a few basic OTC drugs, ointments, salves, towelettes, swabs, bandages, gauze pads & moleskin<br>Spyderco "Police" knife w/ serrated edge, dedicated for self-defense use only<br><br>I'm about to add an Asp "Key Defender" pepper spray to my EDC. I usually wear sturdy denim jeans & some sort of sturdy footwear, each pair now recently re-laced w/ two pairs of laces instead of just one. I keep a cheapo disposable plastic poncho, an aluminized mylar emergency blanket & some Grabber heater pads in the pockets of all of my coats & jackets. This year, I have been slowly adding more wool to my winter wardrobe, and, recently, I have been comparison shopping for silk and merino wool long underwear.<br><br>I also have an Altoids "Tiny Tin" micro-kit I made up w/ some very basic items and the Brunton Survival Cards packet w/ a fresnel lens & floating compass. I used to always carry them, but I don't consider these items to fit the description of Urban Survival gear, and my life has become so urbanized that I have recently dropped these from my EDC & now grab them only when I feel the mood or think I may need them.