Reality Check Time:

What are the odds of anybody actually printing out his key and creating a functional copy? First, somebody that unsavory has to be in our forum. They would have to live relatively close to the owner of the key photo (it would hardly make sense to take a plane flight or drive several hours to burglarize this guys house). The bad guy would have to figure out his address (how?). Unless it is a petty thief, you would want to case the joint a while to be sure it is worth the bother, etc, etc.

My opinion, anyone skilled enough to do this can likely pick your lock in a fraction of the time. If unskilled and they want in bad enough, they'll kick in a door or bust a window.

Not trying to riducule, but I think worrying about a pic of a key on a newsgroup leading to foul play is as likely as winning the lottery. Save your concerns for more critical issues. Worry about the real creeps in your neighborhood, not newsgroup lurking key forgers.

My 2 cents, TR