
Dragging her in an improvised "A" frame litter would be easier on you and more comfortable for her and you could put whatever supplies are necessary on the litter.

I have mentioned before that I prefer external framed packs. One of the advantages, especially for a person of weak strength, is that you can rig up a detachable axle to which you could attach wheels so that you can drag the pack instead of carrying it. Naturally, the bigger the wheels, the easier it is to drag, but you have to work with the limits of your pack and wheather you are willing to carry the wheels on the outside of your pack because you may feel silly doing so. These same wheels and jury rigged axle could be used on an "A" framed litter for dragging people and/or provisions.


(P.S. If you are a sociable person, one of the advantages of carrying large wheels on the outside of the pack is going to be the huge number of people whose curiosity will cause them to engage you in conversation in order to find out why you have wheels strapped to the outside of your backpack, especially those with frameless backpacks.)