Dear readers, some folks recommend carrying a rag of some sort on their personal survival kit when out in the 'woods'. One of it’s possible uses would be for filtering water for drinking. <br><br>I have considered carrying an additional item on my person for such utility: coffee filters. They are lightweight, inexpensive, fairly compact, and amongst other uses that you may think of, could be used to replace or supplement bathroom tissue, writing paper and bandages.<br><br>I conducted a test, writing on one using a lead pencil, blue-ink pen, black-ink roller-ball pen and a blue felt-tip marker. I then soaked it in water for about 15 seconds. I rolled it in a tight ball (to wring out the water) several times. When I un-rolled it, I was impressed that both the filter and the writing held up (though the lead and felt-tip writing were somewhat fainter). When subjected to mild stress and tearing, these filters act more like cloth than paper.<br><br>These aren't .02 micron filters, but something could be said about having a clean filter.<br><br>Please let me know what you think. I very much appreciate all responses,<br>Xavier Phx, AZ<br><br>