Thanks a lot. You made some great points and I'd like to take a couple minutes to respond to a few of them.

1) The 6 MP1 tabs are going to run out very quickly if needed. I would add a bottle of Potable Aqua tabs in the bag. These are cheap and pretty small.
This is something that has been on my mind since first creating the kit and I was curious if someone would point it out. I'm not a believer in iodine water treatments however I think I will take your suggestion and add 6 more MP1 tabs to Maxped case and continue trying to figure a way to squeeze a couple more in to the pocket (tin) kit aswell. Water is important. Probably the second most important thing next to maintaining body temperature. Thanks for pointing that out.

3)I would opt for the Acme Tornado whistle over the ACR whistle for the same space since it is louder (according to Doug's tests).
I slightly modified my ACR to make it even smaller than it is out of the box. I'll check out Dougs Tornado review and if I think I can make it just as small or smaller then I'll go for it.

5) I like the idea of having a pocket kit as a component of a belt kit, but I wouldn't put the pocket kit IN the belt pouch. If you can carry it seperately in your pocket all the time, it will more likely be on you if/when you need it.
A good point indeed, however this is not an "on-my-body 24/7" kit. I have another much smaller set of gear that serves that purpose. This is more of "grab and go mini kit" that sits in my truck on any average day and is strapped to my belt when venturing outside the paved word, as I often (at least once a week) do.

My 25/7 on-body EDC/PSK consists of the following

Cell Phone
Wallet (ID/Cards/Cash)
Keys (Car/Home/Office)
Inova LED Light (on 2' Paracord Lanyard)
CRK Shadow III with the following items in the handle:
-- Ferrocerium Rod
-- 4 Tinderquik
-- Condom
-- 2 MP1 Tabs
-- Couple Inches of duct tape (mostly for condom repair)

Admittedly the are some days (though they are quite rare) when my attire doesn't provide adequate means to conceal the Shadow III. On those days I carry a folder (lately a BM941) and carry the contents of the Shadow II's handle on my person in some other way.
Learn to improvise everything.