A small oven roasting bag (easier to fill than condom, longer shelf life, no latex allergy issues, more rugged and holds more water)<br><br>A tiny (3/8" or 1/4") binder clip to hold bag shut<br><br>8-12" of surgical tubing (for sucking water, making slingshot, restricting band for snake bite or OS tourniquet, et al) - it's all latex, so the allergy issue is still there. This can be wrapped and tied around the seam of the kit for extra waterproofing.<br><br>As much paracord as you can wrap around the thing. Makes it less likely to fall out of pockets.<br><br>BTW- if you are using an iodine based water purifaction tab, make sure you are using containers that the iodine won't eat. Doug talks about them a couple of places. Definantly worth it.