After studying the material on this web site, especially the section for children, I am assembling a fanny pack kit for my younger children. (My oldest is a Boy Scout and will have a full PSK). I have modified the contents for their age. For example, they are too young to be entrusted with knives and fire starting equipment. Having such tools in their possession would likely put them at greater risk of harm by their own inexperience. But I have (will have) some basic gear suitable for the circumstances they might run into, which would be to become separated from me some how for a short period (hopefully) of time.<br><br>I don’t have the list handy, but I am including:<br><br>Whistle<br>Emergency Rain Poncho (Orange)<br>Space Blanket<br>Chemical Light stick in plastic toothbrush tube.<br>Small first Aid Kit<br>Red Bandanas<br>Small flashlight<br>High energy food (Gorp, etc.)<br>Water Bottle<br><br>We are planning a camping trip this spring where I will practice using this gear as a “game.” The key will be to teach them what to do if they become separated. In short, stay put & blow on your whistle three times every fifteens minutes. The poncho is for foul weather or warmth should they be lost and darkness falls. The space blanket will be for a temporary shelter in case of darkness. The light stick is more of a night light to ward off darkness. I know I can’t ward off fear, but I hope to teach them to be prepared for it so they don’t make life-threatening decisions because of it. As been said here many times already, your brain is your best survival tool, even for a young child.<br>
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL