I carry a Boy Scout Hot Spark rod on my key-ring, along with a Leatherman Squirt S4. It's supposed to be my “last-ditch” EDC fire-making scheme (lighter and matches being schemes one and two, respectively). The Hot Spark as the “flint”, edge of the nail file on the Squirt as the “steel”. Sounds great in theory. And I had read lots of posts here saying how great the Hot Spark was. But I had not put it to the test, so one afternoon, I did.

And I failed. Miserably. Not the Hot Spark - me.

So I practiced, and I got better. I tried more things for tinder, and I got better. I tried more situations (night, cold, wet weather, etc.), and I got better still. It has now become a bit of a challenge for me to see just where, with what, and how quickly I can start a fire. My wife thinks me crackers. My kids think this is way cool (“C’mon Dad, pleeeese see if my math book will burn. Pleeeese!?”)

The lesson here is not to become a pyromaniac, or to see if your boss’ tie works as tinder. (polyester, no; silk, yes.) The lesson here is this – practice with the tools you have. Learn through experience what works, what doesn’t, and when. In a pinch, this knowledge can save your, well…. you know.

Just my $.02.