Brian: Please inform us of any discoveries you make. I'm going to try this model, as well:

I also think the plastic tubes, roll of duct tape, and spool of thread are needlessly bulky when striving for a flat pack.

I've replaced the plastic tube and tweezers from the Pocket Medic with Sliver Grabber tweezers. Almost identical form, but with a clip to protect the point. I also transferred my personal meds from plastic vial into a flat, ziploc baggie.

In the PSK, I'm thinking of using a flat roll of duct tape, striving for roughly the same size as the mirror. The needle, fishing gear, and safety pins clearly don't need to stay in their plastic tube.

The spool of thread isn't as easy to fix. I either have to wind a flatter spool, or find a cardboard bobbin, or wind it around the pencil or something.

No fire, no steel.