
I don't know the answer to your question, but the folks on CPF will. My only experience is with the EverLED conversion unit, which has gotten top marks from all reviews I've read. The EverLED exceeded my expectations.

Doug has a review of the EverLED, MaxStar2 and several others here. I would add to his EverLED review that the "bulb" now comes standard with reverse polarity protection for those few wierdo flashlights out there that use reverse polarity.

So far I haven't found a review of the Epion. Both the EverLED and the Epion are overdriven; I suspect the Epion is overdriven more and may be a little brighter, but I simply don't know - sorry! The EverLED is a side emitter and the Epion looks like a High Dome (I think). Ask the folks at CPF...

It's probably not important to you, but the Epion must be purchased for a specific voltage (number of cells), just like regular bulbs. You get 2 cell version, you must only use it in a 2 cell flashlight. But the EverLED works in anything from 1 to 6 cell flashlights. I use the EverLED in both 2 and 3 cell Maglights because I have both around here in the house and some vehicles.

Wish I could be more helpful...

