Ok heres the deal. Your on a hiking trail thats a bit less traveled and is hard to tell where your going. you get lost. you dont panic you examin the situation and decide not to get any more lost and stay put.you have a book of matches in your pocket but the book only has 1 left. you gather make some tinder gather some wood and try to build a fire. its getting dark fast. you brought with you only a light jacket and its getting cold. once you have your fire set up u try to light it. your trembeling. it lights but goes out imediatly afterwords. What do you do? make a temp shelter or try building a fire without matches? any tips on how to build the fire (very low to no light)? any tips on what kind of shelter to build for the night? (keeps you FAIRLY WARM) {items on you when u got lost blue jeans light coat t shirt swiss army knife and a leatherman}<br><br>