Not that I know of. The whole thing was far more complicated, but as I understand it, PEAK's initial supplier was under contract to ARC and for reasons already beat to death (one-sided) in CPF, stiffed ARC while helping set-up PEAK. Worse, some of the Peak principals were directly involved ARC --> PEAK - a modern tragedy and no one has all the FACTS - it was one of the most bitter and acrimonious thrashings I've ever lurked. As noted elsewhere, still bitterness in many folks about the whole thing. If you're really curious, there's a few hours of reading over on CPF...

Coming back to the real world, ARC is out of business and PEAK is in business. If Peter ever starts this back up (something ARC-like), I'll be standing in line as a customer. There were more controversies around ARC than just this one, and a rational person would suspect at least a small bit of fire underneath all that smoke. As far as I know, the first significant problem was a real stinker - only in America - stupid-make-you-crazy litigation by a really large company against ARC - ARC lost - also debated ad nauseum on CPF. So with that taste in our mouths, many automatically viewed subsequent allegations as if ARC was a faultless underdog and therefore "the other guys" were dastardly SOBs.

What I know is that I do not know all the objective facts. Whatever they are, it is rotten that ARC is out of business - and I do not know that ARC was totally blameless. I like to assume they are, but who knows <shrug> won't bring them or their wonderful products back.

