Maybe emory cloth is the wrong word, I just wanted to reproduce the material that is on the top of the Life Boat match container. I have lit them with the fine emory and the reason I suggested such was just in case a suitable surface was not available .......<br><br>Also I need to correct my reference to Condy's crystals as Kno2 as that is incorrect on my part .....sorry. I have the purple potassium permaganate that I used in the PI to disenfect and clean fruits and vegies etc etc which my SERE instructors said was a good topical anti-septic also in condensed forms.....<br><br>of course in a survival situation I wanted something that would do multiple things so the crystals with a potential of fire, water treatment, and topical medication was my choice there.<br><br>Comments and correction please...........<br><br>Stay Safe !