I was thinking that maybe we should have a competition. We all have PSKs so I was thinking maybe we should have some kind of contest on who can build the best one.

I mean we can go to ways and either keep to to simple altoid tin or go grand and do a waterbottle one.

I would be in favor of the latter. And scenario for the contest would go something as follows: you (healthy) are stranded away 180 miles away from the major highway (which you can reach just by heading west), fall, mid 60s, pleanty of water but it needs to be purified, no dangerous animals, some eatable roots, fishing... You can bring anything you want as long as it fits in the bottle (short of cell phone to call in for help).

I think I would like survival authority such as Mr. Ritter or Chris to judge it. Submision would be an acctual write up plus photos (I can make up the web pages and Mr. Ritter can probably host them).

As far as prize goes. Well we can all chip in $5 and winner gets it all. I'm open for suggestions. As far as the time frame goes we can give people two week period to build one.

Above is just an idea. I really would like to hear your opinion guys.