I’ve been looking at the Bark Rivers. I think that they are aesthetically pleasing, they look to be the size I’m looking for (the Mini & Mikro look like they would make great EDC’s), and the A2 steel seems like a good enough choice. My concern is, and this is only my preference, the hollow grind. I don’t hunt, so I rarely cut flesh (on purpose anyway). I mostly cut wood, rope, plastic, cardboard, radiator hoses, orange peels, and the occasional beer can. I want a blade that is pretty beefy right up the cutting edge. I also want something that I can easily sharpen in the field (with or without a jig). So for me, the hollow grind isn’t the best choice. (Of course, now I’ll find out that I’m wrong about the grind.). As far as the hilt is concerned, I don’t see that as a huge problem as the knives appear to be designed for finer work.

For what it’s worth,