I Differ with you on who Financed the Attacks, -but Agree that Big Business, -Far from Always a Bad Thing!, -Goes Everywhere and has No Nationality!

They rather get a lot of their Financing from things like Drug Sales. This *is* a way that Americans and other Westerners *are* Directly Financing their Likes! Tsk Tsk Tsk!, -and Shame Shame Shame!, -on U.S.!

But its Not our Big Business doing so! -Though various Contracts, Investments, and International Trade is Done and Made!

NOTE, -I Note that you may also Agree, -that Big Business is Not *Always* a Bad Thing! I Don't want to Seem to be Implying an Opposite! Thus this Note.

Also, -Red China's Sure Slurping Up at the Capitalist Trough!, -but thru Much to Most of the Soviet Union's History! (And I Ardently Oppose them and All PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER.!), -They Kept Foreign (and Domestic) Capitalists out Real Good! So there are or have been, at least Some places, -where even Big Business!, -Doesn't Go! (Enuff now, -of this Brief and Basic "Political" Shaded Aside, -in my Responding.)

And speaking of Chicago, -I Remind also that you are Plenty Closer to it than I !, -if yet some Dozens of miles North of it's Prevailing Wind Track! This Current Day Aspect of Survival, -*Could* Directly Affect Us!

Chicago, -I've Always had a certain Small Yen to Go there! But Never yet have! I like that song by the Group of the same Name, -from the late 70s, -"Take me Back!, -to Chicago!" I also like to Plug in the Name of my old Rural Area!, -in which I used to Live!, to that Tune! A Country Boy like me Prefers such Country Outdoors Anyday! Even Over say Chicago. You can Take the Boy Out of the Country Outdoors!, -but you Can't Take the Country Outdoors Out of the Boy! "Thank God I'm a Country Boy!", -as another Song and Artist, -has so Well said!

I've Always Felt and Feel, -the same Like and Yen, -for your Milwaukee Area, -as well! Also have Never been there!

Big Business goes Pretty Near Everywhere, -but NY, DC, etc, -It Didn't Go there! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]bountyhunter[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.