Reading your post brought me a certain satisfaction. It brought my mind peace as you have inadvertently shown me that I am not the only one thinking in the sense you have just demonstrated. Agreeing on all your points from not wasting anything to learning the skills. But most importantly that you should spiritually respect those animals who you take and beg for forgiveness from their ghosts.
Not to forget your point about modern destructive farming methods. Hell, I could start a whole threat about it. But this is the wrong forum for a discussion of that nature.

Personally I see no reason for hunting unless for survival purposes only. So I have chosen not to eat meat. Nevertheless I still want to learn to track, kill and prepare. Yet I would not be able to forgive myself for taking a life, killing a family member for unnecessary reasons. Knowing a life was strangled in my snare gives me a sick feeling.
No, until the day I have learned all other skill and knowledge there is to learn about bushcraft and there is a survival need to sacrifice a life I will steer well away from it.