I am considering a scenario where the food supply is cut off for 6 months to a year due to some catastrophe. Specificallly the realignment of the earth on its axis. I know some people (or maybe many) may think this to be a ridiculous thing to anticipate. But I have my reasons.

I am looking at storing a food supply for 6 months to a year. I see there are some pre-made food supplies available like at yellowstonetrading.com but they can get quite pricey $1000+. I am also considering buying food in bulk like white rice. I am unsure how long those foods would last and how to store them etc. Feels like there is a whole expertise here.

Anyone here have a large stored supply of food? Any advice for someone trying to create one? (Stay away from pre-made ones etc.)

Also keeping a supply of water would seem a very good idea. I know it would be easy to lose electricity. I am wondering if running water is just as vulnerable? Can you just fill containers with tap water and expect it to stay good indefinately?

I will appreciate any responses.
