Goatrider: heh, whoops

Flipper: Situations aren't always cut and dry. If you feel morally able yourself, good for you. Im not saying "what about the poor attacker who thought he'd get an easy score!" Im saying some people do not wish to do others harm and may tragically hesitate. Myself, if someone came at me with lethal or harmfull intentions, its open season. Other ocassions however may merit less of a reaction. how bout you get back to your car in the parking lot to find someone leaning in to grab your stereo? Is it worth knifing him in the back maybe causing death, maybe crippling him? Is it better to just bash out the back of his knee causing untold pain and possibly destroying that knee for life? Maybe it would just be better to let him take the stereo, but what message does that send? Your willing to be victimized, we live in a society that is crippled with apathy and will not protect itself? How bout you see a fight between two guys, do you jump in with your knife? Do nothing? Call the cops even though you don't know anything about the situation? Do I know the right answear? No. Im just saying things need to be thought through more than "I'd kill the guy!". Iif you don't think things through, you should not carry weapons.