“Not wanting to hijack this forum with a bunch of political bickering unrelated to this forums purpose, if you want to reply, please send a PM.”

I’m sorry Nic, but the thread has already been hijacked. I asked a question about hacksaw blades and the TSA. You (and others) made the charge that the Bush administration has been eroding civil rights. I asked you to cite an example from your own personal experience. You replied with a lengthy PM that provided no such example. You see, I was interested in hearing how the Bush administration had managed to cross the border and steal your civil rights. I am somewhat relieved to hear that hasn’t happened after all.

I appreciate your concerns about American civil rights, but don’t forget that we have been doing a pretty good job guarding them for about 220+ years. There have been some bumps in the road, and some folks have had to wait much too long to get them. But I think you will find that when it comes to hanging on to TRUE civil rights (the first 10 Amendments to the Constituion), we are pretty tenacious.

I will not get into the contents of your PM; it is private after all. Suffice it to say that during an American election year one is apt to find all sorts of hooey splattered all over the internet, and if you believe about 1% of it you will likely be on safe ground.

However, one thing we can all be sure of: no matter who wins the election, I’m STILL not going to be able to carry a piece of hacksaw blade on a commercial flight.

Regards, Vince