Maybe you could consider ham radio gear instead. The equipment can be fairly cheap, there's no monthly bills, and the license exams are not that hard.

Hi Paulr (same Paulr as on CPF I assume :-),

I already have a Yaesu VX-5 3-band HT (5W) in my bag and am trying to get around to getting my license. However, I don't think the little 5W with a little whip (swapped out the stock) is going to make it home w/o repeater. Certainly it doesn't give me any options for contacting my folks in AK.

I wouldn't likely take the VX-5 out of my kit. I see the sat phone as giving me another option and heck, I carry a cell phone already (although not as big!).

Certainly, the little HT is likely to come in handy no matter how you dice it. Good idea.

