Sorry, I don’t know of any. However , if any exist, I’m betting that Princeton is the location and its dead center in the middle of NJ. Try Google.

Princeton is the only high , defensible ground between NYC and Philadelphia. Thus the overnight stagecoach stop. There were originally 3 towns. Kingston to the North, the Queenston and Princeton. Princeton absorbed Queenston. Kingston is still existent.

Princeton may be one of the most beautiful, rich , cosmopolitan and intelligent communities in the United States . Fifty years ago , you would get on line , on a Saturday morning , at the little storefront Local Bank and listen to the tellers do business in 4 or 5 languages, many different currciencies and even gold bullion . The home of the NJ Governor’s mansion and one of the best universities in the world. Also more blond and blue-eyed people than any other town I have ever seen in the Eastern US. It used to be said that the Whos Who ( ie the university professors and researchers) lived North of Library Place ( the town center) and the Social Register ( ie the Johnsons, Livingstons, etc.) lived in the Estates , south of Library PLace.

Many years ago , I lived nearby Princeton and spent a lot of time in town. One day , as I drove into town, on the road that bisects the campus , I almost ran over two young ladies jogging and talking to each other and crossing the road without looking. One of them was a very young Brooke Shields , then a student at the University. Another day, I was walking down the sidewalk bordering the University and I had to move over as 4 of the largest Asian men I have ever seen were boxed around two young ladies walking. I latter found out that one of the young ladies was the daughter of then Filipino Dictator Marcos. The knuckle-draggers were her bodyguards.