I know NJ well. Although a small State, it has at least two very distinct cultures, North of the Raritan River ( around New Brunswick), which is oriented to NYC and South thereof, which is more Philadelphia oriented and has some very rural areas. New Jersey is the most densely populated State in the USA. However, the bulk of the population is in the northern tier ( commuting distance to NYC), the coast and just outside Philadelphia. The balance of the State can be very suburban to rural. NJ is ,overall, one of the wealthiest States in the Union, with at least 3 Counties among the richest 10 Counties in the entire country. There is also a distinct Jersey Shore area that stretches from about Aberdeen Twp., south to Cape May. ( Interesting factoids : Cape May Twp. Is further South than Washington D.C. and Cape May County would lie below the Mason-Dixon Line ,if that line were drawn out to the Atlantic Coast).

Can u tell us what University they will attend? I may be able to help with housing recreation, etc , suggestions.

As to doctoring. Yes, she will need to obtain a license. A laborious process, usually requiring a specialist attorney’s assistance., for foreign physicians. The University may help. If not, PM me if they want me to suggest an attorney, that I trust, in that field .

Health Insurance is expensive ,for a decent policy. However, most colleges/ universities have a student plan available at an affordable price, at least comparatively. They should also inquire if their student status qualifies them fo discounts on renters insurance & auto insurance ,as well as a policy of excess liability insurance ($1,000,000 policy is about $150 annually.) NJM has good fees on all three policies, if they qualify. ( I’m not an emissary or employee of NJM.) In any event, they should shop quotes.

Additionally, their school should have an office to assist foreign and other out-of-town students , with housing, etc. I would start there for needed services. Another possibility is for the Dr. to go to her colleagues or medical society to obtain the name of a doctor, local to where they will live & study, who, with his/ her spouse, may be willing to provide some mentoring about local issues, from places to live to good dry cleaners and restaurants, hospital jobs that don’t require a license ,but do require a certain medical expertise, etc. If they are religious, same may apply to talking to their clergy who may have a USA colleague in the area who can help or get a congregant family to help.

There is also one old fashioned custom they may want to observe. If they have good local contacts from their home jurisdiction, they may want to obtain a letter from both their local Mayor and Police Chief, testifying to their good character and present those letters to the Mayor and Police Chief of the town they decide to live-in, especially if it’s one of the smaller bedroom communities that surround university towns.

Feel free to P M me with any other questions,