Best wishes on your weight and cost parameters. I checked the current REI headlamp inventory and prices range from 19.95 to 274.95, all weighing more than 1 oz. If you are like me, sticker shock is fairly routine these days.

I am a tad compulsive about headlamps, based on many SAR operations dating back to the 1950s, most of which were conducted either partially or completely at night. I know more than I want to know about substandard lighting! Modern gear is worth the coin....

IMHO, emergency gear should not be put away, untouched, until needed. This is especially true of anything depending on battery power. My stuff is check on a regular schedule.

In addition, is is definitely useful, in an emergency situation, to handle gear with which you are familiar and in which you have confidence. Not a good time to be reading the instructions....
Geezer in Chief