Though somewhat off the general run of the thread, -what I'm about to say does have it's On Topic relatedness.

Which is that I'm reminded of an idea that's once occurred to me.

It may at first *Sound* Silly, -but I think that it does have it's Potential Merit.

It concerns the applicability of an attached Balloon, -for Backpack and other Weight Reduction.

Not so large or gas filled that one tends to float, etc, -And Not so large that the whole contraption is just too bulky to manage. As well as Not so small that there's little to No / Not enuff, -of Flotation!

Of course such could not be used for woodland, as well as for some other types of Hiking. (Intervening Branches, Trees, Vegetation, etc). But it *Can* be Practical and Feasable, I'd think, -for Hiking say on a Treeless Plain!

In short, -I think that this idea does have some Potential!, and Isn't so silly after all. What may others think?

It would Sure reduce a lot of the "Feltweight" of a Backpack! [color:"black"] [/color] [email]brian[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.