Originally Posted By: Russ
Staying in good overall physical condition seems to have been key to this “drill”. FoxNews presentation yesterday spoke to the stats of people who died as having underlying conditions such as diabetes (and pre-diabetes) with BMI’s over 30 (ave. 33). So watch your diet and particularly processed sugars (simple carbs). All that walking in the hills around here was a good thing.

Apparently having fat around the face and neck makes it significantly harder to insert the tubes for a ventilator. Probably too late to do much about that now.

A beard can make it harder to get a good seal around an oxygen mask, if that should be necessary. In normal times hospital staff would shave you, but during a pandemic they are going to be very busy and you might not want to wait to start breathing, so if you have a beard I'd recommend you shave in advance. Maybe not immediately, but if you get symptoms. (It takes a few days for symptoms to become so bad that you need to be hospitalised, if that happens at all, so you should have time.)
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