Good article. I am fortunate that many people can't write. Technical writing and editing has been my bread and butter for many long years.

Writing in the language of the shop floor is a balancing act.
On the one hand: if you spoon-feed a highly technical audience, they will dismiss you as not credible. On the other hand: if you don't set up a ladder to the second floor, the new guy will be lost, frustrated, and demoralized.

So, I agree that bad writing is defined by a failure to communicate with the target audience.

And you do know who your primary audience is, don't you? (Did you bother to find out?) It's the foundation of good writing. It's essential to put yourself in their shoes, to know their knowledge level and how they perceive the world. Good writing communicates effectively by being in sync with the reader; and that makes it possible to subtly motivate and pull the reader toward greater understanding and desirable actions.

My 2c.