My biggest concern in any generalized calamity is: how it will affect my community. I argue that the notion of solo survival in a genuine calamity is a delusion: MRE's and FAK's only get me so far. The real prep is forming and nurturing linkages within my family, my neighborhood, my church group. I can provide some of my needs, but will need the kindness of the group to survive and recover from a hurricane, a flood, or a tornado.

And the way that I nurture these relationships is to be there: attend the meetings, the family dinners, the worship services and mission trips. Help out physically when I can, offer aid and comfort when I cannot. As I get older, the need for connection gets clearer. I no longer harbor the fantasy that I can go it alone. It takes a village, or a clan, or a tribe.
That said, I still love my Leatherman (gave it to a grandson, need to replace), my blade (home made, cause my eyes are bigger than my wallet in the blade realm), and my centennial airweight (old guy, old gun). But that's love, not need.
Dance like you have never been hurt, work like no one is watching,love like you don't need the money.