Non camping GHB/BOBs are more useful than we think. It's not always a case of regional SHTF scenario where we run home. Sometimes it is a personal SHTF where we may need to do things in very limiting situations.

Last few weeks I have been disabled by osteoarthritis in one knee, and my view of everything is changed. Navigating thru the house became as hard as navigating thru dense jungle; every step was slow and painful. What I easily grabbed from here or there around the house, needed several painful steps, to the extent I even changed my mind and quit trying. Relief came when the wife brought me the "office bag"( a bag full of office stuff, a mobile office of sorts), and the "companion bag" which always comes with me (not a GHB, but sort of EDC/utility bag)

This is not the same as "get home" scenario, but trust me, when your movement is limited, you will appreciate a well-planned companion bag/GHB/EDC bag. Although wife and kids were very helpful, but they just didn't know everything I needed when I needed it. From flashlight to nail clipper, this bag beside my bed was of great help because it had exactly what I needed, of the type and specs that I needed, for the job that I needed; since I was the one who chose the stuff in it.

A camp-less companion bag is very valuable for so many unexpected scenarios.