
I think Aardwolfe meant a handgun loaded, cocked, and in your hand.

Also remember his disclaimer of weapons use. He may not know how much time, cartridges, and money some Americans spend on gun sports and you know the news media in Canada is going to give more press to dumb gun (especially handgun.) handling than even the US press does.

I have fallen once with a loaded M1 carbine while deer hunting. It was a tree limb that shifted under my foot. I went down backwards, and as my arms went out and back to break the fall, I threw my carbine away, with the chamber loaded and the safety on as always. The carbine landed on leaves and low growth, I landed on my well padded butt, and when we got back to the car, I found that I had lost my spare magazine in the fall. Only injury, the ego; the carbine was never in danger of going off.

I still like my .22's for Wisconsin, all power considerations aside.
