This is something I've been thinking about since it's been so hot here. With temperature in the 90s day after day, the car gets easily over 100 degrees.

How does the cooler idea work? Won't the cooler just eventually reach ambient temperature? Then when the air cools down in the evening, the cooler turns into a heater for your car as it gradually gives off the heat of the day. Or am I incorrect in thinking this?

I'd put anything that could melt in plastic bags, duct tape for example.

I know stuff tends to expire faster in a hot environment: the meds in the first aid kit, probably batteries, maybe even the ration and any adhesive. But when do we replace them? That I don't know. How do we make a rule for this?

I'm also concerned with chemicals leaching into the water from the bottle. But it's a huge pain in the neck to take a box of water to your car every time you get in, and take it out every time you get out...