A few more details on the recent EQ is available at:
California earthquake: Will the Big One erupt along the San Andreas fault line?
Expect more of the Mag.7 EQ’s, the “Big One” is not expected any time soon.
... the USGS believes there is only a two percent chance such an earthquake could occur in the next 30 years.

And the real threat to the San Francisco Bay region in the coming decades comes not from a 1906-type Big One, but from smaller (approximately magnitude 7) earthquakes occurring on segments of the San Andreas fault, called the Hayward fault or Rodgers Creek fault. ...

BTW that USGS website can be configured to extend the time and filter for EQ size. Viewing it at 7 days and Mag 4.5+ clears out all the smaller Mag 2-4 EQ’s and shows you just the recent larger quakes. The Ring of Fire is active.