From what I’ve seen in Malibu, this latest uncontrolled burn seems to show that controlled burns have not been used even close to enough. There may be liability concerns in that if a controlled burn becomes uncontrolled, who gets sued, whose insurance company pays and who is made whole by the state... (warning Will Robinson, political boundary approaching)

There are many opinions as to how fires could be mitigated: from let mother nature take its course, to stop all fires immediately at whatever cost; but allowing fuel to build up over years/decades and then having a spark from a high voltage line ignite that fuel during a Santa Ana (hot, dry, high winds) is probably not the best option. That said, it seems the let mother nature run its course, while we valiantly attempt to gain control is the option that has been chosen. Let PG&E’s insurance company pay...

We in the popcorn gallery seem to have no say.