thanks for all the replies on this, it has helped me explain it better to those who dont yet beleive in being prepared (for whatever reason\ situation) as we do.

and that "ah-ha" moment is something indeed.

but i do understand what bountyhunter meant there, some people just WONT be prepared no matter what, some will learn to on their own some need a little nudge in the right places to help them understand and develop the proper mindset.

i didnt think it was cruel its jsut a fact of life, not all baby turtles make it to the ocean.

when relaying this to friends and family who dont prepare as i do it basically comes down to the ants and the grasshopper parable.

prepare now for what might happen later, even if there is now big e.o.t.w.a.w.k.i. event as my friend brought up.

because if your ever caught in an emergency or natural disaster or civil unrest,etc then to those unprepared people it might feel like the end of their world.

but i still keep trying to help the others become more interested in being prepared, im stubborn to quit yet. (im irish what do you expect?)
been gone so long im glad to be back