I don't know about others, but the most important substance I inherited from my parents was their DNA, and it a high priority to pass it on and safeguard it in future generations. Other material items are of far less concern.

Last year I walked away from a house full of cherished items (grandparent's furniture, fine china, etc.), not knowing whether any of that stuff would survive. But the DNA, and the ability to support the DNA I had passed on to my children, was in good shape. The rest was just stuff, which could be replaced, in kind, at least.

I did it once, and i would do it again, in a heartbeat.

For the record,one of the items I left behind was a grey fleece sweater I purchased more than thirty years ago. It protected and warmed me through some really hairy SAR operations, warmed me while scuba diving in frigid Lake Michigan, and was my garment of choice of my first post-divorce date - talk about versatile usage. Rather worn now, I cherish it highly, but it is really just an item of clothing.
Geezer in Chief