Those are probably fair cost estimates and I really like the zero cost items because I have some freebies that are totally serviceable, however,
Originally Posted By: hikermor
... This is just a minimal kit, and there are several things that most of us would include. Note that there is no mention of a compass. IMHO and experience, a compass on land is rarely necessary to determine direction, while a topo map is frequently consulted, even in familiar terrain. ...

I agree that a topo-map can be used alone as long as the user knows what he’s doing and keeps himself found ... then comes an overcast night and you think you’re “here” but you’re really “there”, and you think that’s North because you think the slope you’re on faces west ... You are totally lost because you don’t even know which slope you’re on. Add some trees and even with clear skies and a full moon, you have no visual reference on surrounding terrain.

So while I don’t have your experience, a novice had better have more than a topo map; a compass and a GPS would be a start, because once a novice is lost, they’ll stay lost if a hint doesn’t come down from above (that’s where the GPS constellation is) wink